10 Apr

Mars One is a corporation dedicated to establishing the first human settlement on Mars in 2023. The catch however is that the astronauts taking this 7 month long journey through space agree to live the rest of their life on the red planet. It is a big commitment, however, being one of the first humans to settle on this planet is a great accomplishment and would put your name down in the history books.

Mars One Civilization

Every 2 years after the initial launch in 2023 another crew of astronauts will leave and establish themselves on Mars to help build a civilization. The implications of this mission are huge. The risks are even greater for the pioneers. The first and subsequent launches can face death, starvation, and have no control over whether or not supplies and cargo are sent to your aid on Mars. If the organization runs out of money you are essentially stranded on a different planet with no hope of being rescued until either funding resumes or another mission is launched.

Is It Possible?

Mars One claims that the technology that is needed to create a living settlement on Mars exists today. It’s hard to believe but really, how much does the average citizen know about modern day space technology. Not much I’m sure, and I do believe that this claim is true however this mission will most certainly prove very difficult with many obstacles to over come such as no breathable atmosphere and limited natural resources. The chosen location on Mars does have frozen ice below the ground which can be extracted using technology. Max Polyakov Space subsequent trips to Mars will bring along more technology that will help further the civilization such as an appliance that manufactures plastic goods or a machine that can make bricks for construction, as taken from the Mars One website.

Overview of the Mars One Project

I believe that establishing a civilization on Mars would be a great accomplishment, but who really knows what opportunity there is for expansion Firefly Aerospace on Mars and how establishing a colony would benefit us in the long run. I would take the chance in a heart beat in order to be one of the first on Mars, even considering all the risks. Just being a part of a project that great and revolutionary would be an amazing accomplishment and leaving behind a legacy in your name as one of the “founders” of Mars. This project is huge in terms of size, distance, money, resources, and man-power. Countless hours will need to be put in in order to accomplish this feat. I think that they will be stressed to finish this project by 2023 considering the planning didn’t start until early 2011. So accomplishing this task in a mere 12 years would be incredible. Creating a civilization on another planet approximately 34,000,000 miles at its closest point to Earth is not a simple task

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